Convention Recap: Ted Cruz Is Booed, Someone Tried To Burn A Flag, And Pence Is All In

Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images

Here’s What Happened:

  • Ted Cruz, a leading rival to Donald Trump in the primaries, was booed off the stage during his convention speech after he didn’t endorse Donald Trump.
  • The moment was stunning and showed that the party has not fully unified behind the nominee. Trump, in an effort to swing the attention back to him in the moment, walked on the convention floor while Cruz was still speaking. Cruz’s wife, Heidi, had to be escorted from the floor by security and the couple were later reportedly accosted as “traitors.”
  • Mike Pence formally accepted the vice presidential nomination, and delivered a standard speech that touted Trump’s credentials and criticized Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton.
  • Other notable speakers included Sen. Marco Rubio, via video, and Eric Trump. Check here for a complete list of speakers.
  • Outside the convention hall, Melania Trump’s speechwriter, Meredith McIver, issued a statement saying she was responsible for mistakenly plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech. Trump said she made a mistake and rejected her resignation.
  • (Many people think McIver is not a real person. Let us spare you the drama: she is real.)
  • Seventeen people were arrested outside the convention hall. One was arrested because he tried to burn an American flag — police said he was detained because his pants caught fire — and others were charged with assaulting police and resisting arrest.
  • And in case you missed this: Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is starting a super PAC.
  • Follow BuzzFeed News on Twitter for the latest news and check out our Facebook Messenger BuzzBot — learn more about it here.


 Posted at 9:56 a.m., Jul. 21
Buckle up, folks, because a whole lot went down Wednesday night.
 Posted at 9:02 a.m., Jul. 21

Trump Responds To Cruz’s Speech, Calls It “No Big Deal!”

Donald Trump responded to Ted Cruz’s convention speech Wednesday night after the Texas senator stopped short of endorsing Trump for president.
In a tweet, Trump said he had seen Cruz’s speech before it was delivered and that he “let him speak anyway.” He concluded it was “No big deal!”
–Michelle Broder Van Dyke
 Posted at 8:32 a.m., Jul. 21

The third day of the GOP convention has come to a close

 Posted at 8:31 a.m., Jul. 21

Ted Cruz Clouds Trump VP Mike Pence’s Big Convetion Speech

Ted Cruz Clouds Trump VP Mike Pence’s Big Convetion Speech
Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty Images
CLEVELAND — After a rocky rollout announcement, Mike Pence didn’t quite get his moment in the spotlight as the Republican’s vice presidential nominee during his convention speech.
Although Pence received loud applause throughout his speech, the narrative coming out of the third evening of the convention will focus on someone else. The Indiana governor was largely overshadowed by an uproar on the convention floor at the end of a speech by Sen. Ted Cruz, who declined to endorse Donald Trump, and instead said “to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”
Cruz was loudly booed off the stage, as Trump walked into the arena. The presidential nominee walked out a few minutes later — immediately after his son Eric Trump’s speech, and didn’t return to his seat in the Trump family box to watch his running mate take the stage.

—Tarini Parti
 Posted at 6:42 a.m., Jul. 21

Ted Cruz Booed Off The Stage After He Doens’t Endorse Trump

Ted Cruz congratulated Donald Trump for winning the Republican nomination on Wednesday night — but by the end of the night was booed off the stage when he stopped short of endorsing his former rival.
The crowd all but drowned out Cruz at the end of his speech, damaging the idea the GOP is trying to put forward that the party is unified.

Here are people booing:

Here are people booing:
Win Mcnamee / Getty Images

Then, Trump walked out on to the convention floor, clapping and waving to his fans, seemingly to steal Cruz’s thunder.

Then, Heidi Cruz, Ted’s wife, had to be escorted out of the convention hall from the angry crowd:

And then more hell broke loose:

And this happened:

 Posted at 6:06 a.m., Jul. 21

Ted Cruz Implored To Endorse Trump, Teased As Boy “With Wounded Feelings”

Ted Cruz Implored To Endorse Trump, Teased As Boy "With Wounded Feelings"
Alex Wong / Getty Images
Conservative talk radio show host Laura Ingraham goaded “boys with wounded feelings” to endorse Donald Trump on Wednesday night — an apparent dig at Senator Ted Cruz, who has held out his blessing for the Republican nominee.
“All you boys with wounded feelings and bruised egos … must honor your pledge to support Donald Trump now,” said Ingraham, referring to the first GOP primary debate, when all of the candidates pledged to support whomever was nominated to lead the ticket.
Most of the candidates have since endorsed Trump, including Senator Marco Rubio. But Senator Cruz, who was scheduled to speak at the convention later in the night, still had yet to join the Trump train.
“Tonight!” implored Ingraham, triggering a burst of howls and applause in the Quicken Loans arena. “I hope they’re listening to you.”

—Dominic Holden
 Posted at 5:59 a.m., Jul. 21

Michelle Van Etten Spoke At The Convention

Michelle Van Etten Spoke At The Convention
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images
“There is only one man capable of this juggling act, only one man who can handle the circus we have inherited for the past eight years and serve as the ultimate ringmaster, there is only one man who can protect the American future for many generations and that man is Donald Trump — that man is Donald Trump!” she said.
—Tom Namako
 Posted at 4:39 a.m., Jul. 21

17 Arrested Outside Convention Hall

17 Arrested Outside Convention Hall
Carolyn Cole / Getty Images
Seventeen people were arrested outside the convention Wednesday, including several who were involved in a scuffle when some protesters tried to set fire to a US flag, police officials said.
The charges were not connected to the burning of the flag, Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said, but the ensuing scuffle that followed when an officer tried to put the fire out when some people were being burned.
“It’s not against the law,” Williams said when asked whether protesters would have been allowed to burn the flag.
In one video of protesters burning the flag, someone can be heard yelling in the background, “You’re on fire, stupid!”
That’s when some protesters allegedly tried to stop the officer, and other counter protesters clashed with those who were trying to start the fire.
“All those things are arrestable in that situation,” Williams said.
The charges included assault on an officer, resisting arrest, and failure to disperse, he said.
The names of the people arrested were not immediately available, but the police chief said they all appeared to be adults.
Police have arrested 22 people in the last three days, he said.
 Posted at 3:31 a.m., Jul. 21

Will Mike Pence Dodge LGBT Issues At The Republican Convention?

Will Mike Pence Dodge LGBT Issues At The Republican Convention?
AP / John Locher
When Indiana Gov. Mike Pence accepts the vice-presidential nomination on Wednesday night, he will address a country that knows him best for promoting his state’s religious freedom law, a measure widely criticized for promoting LGBT discrimination.
But it is unclear whether Pence, an evangelical Christian who is still a stranger to many voters, will actually address the issue at the Republican National Convention in an effort to woo social conservatives who supported the law but are wary of Donald Trump. (After backlash, Pence signed a “fix” bill.)
“The question is if they do something tonight to try bring those religious voters on board, and if so, what they do and whether it will be effective,” Liz Mair, a Republican strategist who has worked to oppose Trump, told BuzzFeed News in an interview Wednesday.

—Dominic Holden
 Posted at 2:55 a.m., Jul. 21

Here’s A Handy Guide To What Ted Cruz Has Said About Donald Trump

Here’s A Handy Guide To What Ted Cruz Has Said About Donald Trump
Scott Olson / Getty Images
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday evening, two months after he was vanquished in the Indiana primary and dropped out of the race.
What’s still unclear is whether he will use his primetime address to formally endorse Donald Trump, his onetime friendly competitor turned bitter rival.
A possible endorsement is complicated for Cruz given his past words about the Republican nominee.
 Posted at 2:25 a.m., Jul. 21

Scott Walker Just Tweeted “Please Clap” 2.0

Scott Walker, the Governor of Wisconsin, onetime presidential contender, and speaker at the Republican National Convention, would kindly like you all to chat back at him tonight. Ok?
 Posted at 1:46 a.m., Jul. 21

Here’s How Some Trump Supporters Feel About His Adviser Calling For Clinton’s Execution

Here’s How Some Trump Supporters Feel About His Adviser Calling For Clinton’s Execution
Eli Mike Hayes
CLEVELAND — Asked about the comments, Eli, a Trump supporter from Alaska, said, “As long as it was done with due process and everything, I don’t see a problem with it.”
“They talked about maybe drone strikes on Edward Snowden or whatever. I can’t remember who brought it up. The idea is basically the same — which is releasing secure information,” he added.

—Mike Hayes
 Posted at 1:40 a.m., Jul. 21

Protesters Arrested After Trying To Burn American Flag

CLEVELAND — As protesters held a line of police officers back, a man unfurled an American flag and attempted to burn it before a small scuffle broke out between police and protesters. A police officer can be seen spraying what appears to be pepper spray at the demonstrators.
The flag appears to have briefly caught fire before police separated the protesters from the rest of the crowd and media. A reporter on scene with BuzzFeed Newstweeted that the group arrest was small, and was “outnumbered 10 to 1 by media.”
That man who burned the flag was Joey Johnson, the same man who burned a flag at the 1984 RNC in Dallas that led to the Supreme Court decision upholding that flag burning is legal. Johnson and other protestors were stopped from doing so and subsequently arrested, according to various videos from the incident and BuzzFeed News reporters on the ground.
Carl Dix of the Revolutionary Communist Party, who joined in the flag burning incident, said Johnson decided to burn the flag again as “a statement against what’s happening here at the Republican national convention, where an outright fascist is being nominated for president.”
“This was a political statement. It was a statement about the crimes of the American empire that America was never great”
Dix says the flag flew over crimes such as slavery, the genocide of native peoples and bombing of civilians.
“America was never great. We need a revolution, we need to overthrow the system,” Dix added. “We didn’t come here to fight with Trump’s people or anything like that. We came with a political statement.”
Dix didn’t say whether more flag burnings planned but said the group will be back on the streets tomorrow protesting the “capitalist imperialist system.”
A second flag burning incident was foiled when the protesters didn’t have a lighter.

After the flag burning protestors were separated from the larger crowd and media, a sole “Biker for Trump” took it upon himself to help separate the crowd. He also threatened to shoot people at one point.
— Paul McLeod, Jim Dalrymple II, Mike Hayes, John Stanton, and Talal Ansari
 Posted at 1:19 a.m., Jul. 21

Black Republican Delegates Are Big Fans Of Omarosa

Black Republican Delegates Are Big Fans Of Omarosa
Jonathan Ernst / Reuters
CLEVELAND — Black Republican delegates overwhelmingly support the Trump campaign putting Omarosa Manigault — the former Apprentice contestant — in charge of black outreach, despite lingering questions over her party identification and influence with black political and civil rights leaders.
There hasn’t been an formal campaign announcement regarding Manigault’s hiring; Manigault herself made the announcement on an appearance on MSNBC in which she defended the campaign’s ability to draw in black voters.
But black delegates say Manigault is the right operative for the job because of her close relationship to Trump, taking priority over concerns she worked in the Clinton administration and isn’t seen as having conventional political connections in black America.
—Darren Sands
 Posted at 12:54 a.m., Jul. 21

Cruz Holds A Throwback Campaign Event — That Literally Gets Buzzed By Trump’s Plane
CLEVELAND — For the staffers and reporters at Ted Cruz’s event in Cleveland on Wednesday, the moment was a strange trip back in time, to back when Cruz was in a hard-fought primary trying to consolidate support as the last non-Trump candidate.
Cruz’s senior campaign staff was all in attendance — including Rick Tyler, his former communications director who was summarily fired in February after sharing an erroneous Facebook post. Cruz’s colorful campaign manager Jeff Roe held court with reporters. And Heidi and Ted Cruz appeared on stage together at an outdoor bar here, the same way they did time and time again during the campaign, with Cruz giving a condensed thank-you speech that hit on many of the same themes that undergirded his message this year.
But there was a forceful reminder that the primary was, in fact, over, in the form of Donald Trump’s plane, which flew into Cleveland behind Cruz just as Cruz was mentioning “the nominee.”

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