Donald Trump Jr. Didn’t Plagiarize His Speech, Writer Says

Donald Trump Jr.’s speech at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday included a line similar to anarticle in The American Conservative.

A tweet by The Daily Show pointing out the similarities received more than 10,000 retweets in less than an hour.

The article, by F.H. Buckley, was published in May, and like Trump’s speech made a comparison between American schools and Soviet department stores.

The speech came after Melania Trump on Monday copied portions of a speech by Michelle Obama.

Some were quick to call it a second instance of plagiarism by the Trumps.

But Buckley said Tuesday’s speech wasn’t theft.

Buckley told BuzzFeed News he was a principal speechwriter for Trump Jr. “It’s not an issue,” he said.

Buckley told BuzzFeed News he was a principal speechwriter for Trump Jr. "It's not an issue," he said.
Joe Raedle / Getty Images
Buckley is a law professor at George Mason University and added he was doing his patriotic duty.

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