Pakistan's democracy strong enough to withstand crises: Mamnoon

ISLAMABAD: President Mamnoon Hussain while addressing a joint session of parliament on Wednesday said Pakistan's democracy has been strengthened to the extent that it can now withstand various crises.
Sustainable development is not possible without a stable democracy, Mamnoon said, adding that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had guided the country to progress. Under the PM's leadership, the system of tax collection had improved, the budget deficit and inflation brought under control and growth had been sustained, he said.
"One does not need to state how important the Pak-China partnership is for national economic growth," the president said. "Heads of many countries have personally told me that this partnership would prove to be a golden opportunity for their own economic development."
Pakistan's foreign policy is based on three main points, Mamnoon said, "constructive diplomacy, non-interference, and trade and economic cooperation".
The policy was modelled on the Quaid's views, he said, adding that Jinnah wanted Pakistan's foreign policy to be based on friendship and brotherhood with all nations.
"We do not wish to be aggressive towards any nation and intend to participate with honesty in national and global affairs," he said.
"We believe the main cause of tension in the region is the Kashmir issue," the president said. Until this issue is resolved according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir in accordance with the UN resolutions, there will not be peace in the region, he said.
"In last year’s UN General Assembly session, we conveyed clearly that we are open to uninterrupted dialogue with our neighbours. I regret that the warmth we showed was not reciprocated," the president said.
The president said that a government which ensures rule of law, economic development and provision of basic needs to its people can easily overcome challenges, stabilise democracy and reinforce the relationship between the individual and state, Radio Pakistanreported.
The goals of Operation Zarb-i-Azb will be achieved soon, he said, adding that the security situation in Balochistan and Karachi is encouraging.
The president's address marks the beginning of a new parliamentary year and is mandatory under the Constitution.

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